APPLICATION In order to be included in the application process, we need the following information. The fields marked with * are mandatory. The application is only valid in connection with the upload of a picture and the video link. TEAM LEADER Name* (required) E-Mail* (required) Who are you? Date of Birth* (required) Phone* Number (required) Adress* (required) Billing address for entry fees: Company Name* (required) Account Owner* (required) Company Adress* (required) TEAM REGISTRATION: Team Name* (required) Which category are you competing in? ProfessionalsJuniors Link to videos* (required) Please upload a photo of your team* (required): Please fill in ALL NAMES! of the competing members:* (required) As the director / point of contact for your team, you will be responsible for making sure that all the requirements, forms and guidelines are met. This application is binding as well as paying the entry fees. Click at rules to find all important informations.